1944 was the first year the brand name Timex was used in conjunction with time pieces via the Ingersoll brand.

“Sorry, can’t tell you all now, but…”
“I don’t believe it!”
Bit it’s a fact. The new Ingersoll Clocks with a Timex* heart will be virtually soundless! They’ll be wind-up alarm clocks… but with an almost inaudible tick. And they’ll be tested to 99.93% accuracy! What’s more, everyone will be able to afford several of these remarkable new Ingersoll Clocks… for the timelier days ahead.
“Fantastic! Impossible!”
Not any longer! The Timex* Heart is a wartime technical triumph. Eliminates most common clock failures… ensured long, dependable clock life. Your new Ingersoll Clocks will be money-savers and time-savers too… actually years ahead in accuracy, sturdiness, and quietness. And they’ll be the handsomest, smartest clocks you’ve ever seen!
“You can’t do this to me!”
Sorry, but maybe you can’t buy yours yet. They’ll be here soon, through. And only the new Ingersoll Clocks will have the astonishing Timex* Heart. So even if it’s several months before your dealer has them… be patient! We’re still in war work. You’ll find them WELL WORTH WAITING FOR!

“Tell me more…”
Be still my beating heart!
The Timex* Heart will make the new Ingersoll Clocks practically soundless. The merest whisper of a tick. And tested to 99/3% accuracy! What’s the secret? Sorry, can’t tell yet. It’s a whole new principle of making wind-up alarm clocks… a wartime technical triumph of U.S. Time, the makers of Ingersoll.
Let’s have several!
You’ll need several of these handsome, accurate new Ingersoll Clocks in your house for the timelier days ahead. Expensive? Goodness, no! Priced within everyone’s reach. What’s more, the Timex* Heart will eliminate most common clock failures… ensure long, dependable clock life.
I’ll wait patiently.
Won’t be long now. But even if it’s several months before your dealer has the new Ingersoll Clocks… be patient. They’ll be years ahead in accuracy and smartness. The Timex* Heart will be the pulse of tomorrow’s life. You’ll find the new Ingersoll Clocks WELL WORTH WAITING FOR

I. WHAT’S THE TIMEX* HEART? Much more than just a new movement, It’s a whole new principle in wind-up alarm clocks developed by The United States Time Corporation, the makers of Ingersoll, as part of the war’s incredible technical discoveries. Sorry… can’t tell you all just now.
II. SO MUCH MORE QUIET! You’ll hardly hear the tick of the remarkable Timex* Heart. What’s more, the new Ingersoll Clocks will be much simpler to operate. And they’ll be the handsomest clocks you’ve ever seen… as advanced in design as they are away ahead mechanically.
III. SO MUCH MORE ACCURATE! The new Ingersoll Clocks with the Timex* Heart are tested to 99.3% accuracy… and entirely new high standard of accuracy in clocks that everyone can afford. You’ll want several Ingersolls in your home to keep you abreast of the timelier life ahead.
IV. SO MUCH LESS TROUBLE! The Timex* Heart will eliminate most common clock failures. This astonishing heart will put the new Ingersolls years ahead in sturdiness, accuracy, and quietness. Be patient… they’ll be here soon. You’ll find them WELL WORTH WAITING FOR!